Seriously the weather there is like dunno-how-many-times better than singapore okay. i love the weather there! i miss newyork.): its like so beautiful there! i love the central park scenery. totally one of the coolest thing i saw. bleah and whats not i took like 540 pictures!D: okay whatever i shall go day by day!
arrived at changi around 530pm. woots! everyone was so high! ohoh but the worse thing out of all is the flight. 20 hours altogether(if you count the transiting). omg how suay can u get when your first flight of the plane is with jiale. *SIGH* hahahhaha but ahwells, at least she kept me awake for 2 hours. anyway the sat with shirrr on the long oneee. O.O its like eat sleep eat sleep eat sleep. oh and the seatings were very messy. end up at the aisle with shir and well z was next to shir. all for having sec 3 row-.- OH AND WHAT HAPPEN TO THE MATH PRACTICE PAPERRRRR. we wanted to do it on the plane, but oops! its still lying nicely on my table untouched, other than the first attempted question. -.-
anyway i shall cut short. we touched down at JFK airport at 8am and poof we went to walk wall streets, saw NYSE(newyork stock exchange<3),>
omg in any case, our legs were sore and by second day, my blister bled and apparently it sort of dried up before i realzied. -.- ahh i guess pictures speaks louder than words.(:


baby prisca, shir me and marielim!
syf 07 secfourssssssss. seriously best batch of seniors!D:
AWWW. mrs ho's babbyy!!! >.<
yayness! we took with this security guard! he did it with kaihui too! (omg it sounded sick-.-)


nyehnyeh! shir and me!(:

plus marie lim! HAHA UNGLAM MARIEE.(:
awww. world trade centre site.):
wow. woke up quite early and went over to O deli for breakfast. i love the carrot cake and my ice coffee<333. href="">

4tth and last item for the orchestra afternoon concert. the night one was band!


joanny woony shir ysabellll.


yay outside american ballet theatre julliard sch and avery fisher hall! HAHA 2ND unglam photo of marie stoning-.-

museum of natural history! DINOO<33 href="">

ewww. its so grosss!D:



joanny woony looks like that man there!woots!(:
hahaha caught lois! unglam!(:
pretty egypt thing.
my goodness. awesome violins!
unglam photo of joanny woony! oops!(:
DAY THREE(:LIBERTY DAY! We went to linda's for breakfast and head to United Nations!(: yay c'mon IH students get excited! -.- yeah bascially went to tour it and get the chance to see some council meetings. pretty cool. afternoon was spend at national broadcasting centre NBC where all the nice tv shows whatever are there. shopped but the HEROS one were not very nice. got a packet of trading cards at the end. oh and nyse broke into 2 groups. one touring with z to union square and visit macys, virgin, and M0RE. the rest shop around the hotel- time square. me shir ysabel caoyun joan yx decided to go with z. not bad we walked SO MUCH. -.- wanted to die. ookay at the end we walked from 53 street to like 34/!?!?!!? omgg. shenjingbing.
had to rush back for dinner cruise! weiyu seriously dance like mad-.- ahwells. it was abit like a bar. -.- still we got to know some americans and jap!(:PEINING'S NEW BOYFRIEND!D: hahahhaha. i thought it was an experience/eye-opener. saw many things that i never knew. great<3>
a council having meeting in united nations. something an IH teacher would crave for. -.-
awww caoyun's bear!>.<
O.O! omgomg! saw this along the streets! HIGHLY-amused:D

haha interaction wth jap girls(:

the 2 jap guys that danced-.- LOL(:
woke up at like 5.45am(: wait no is 6.45am!-.- got dressed with make up and everything and yay! i passed mrs ho's check! shir came over to do too. HUILIN DID MY EYE SHADOW! nicenice. hahaha! gathered at 830 and went straight to carnegie hall for rehearsal/soundcheck. all i would say was that it was just disappointingg. i screwd like &*^*&%!-.- felt so guilty and demoralised! went back to the hotel after that and ate bagel with huilin ysabel joan shir. talk ate and got ready for the afternoon's performance. omg. the first american group played saint saens's dance baccharale. not sure about the spelling but yeah!! jiale and i were like O.O. especially the col legno part! but i guess they could have done better. 2nd group totall pwnx. they brought electric guitar-.- not bad hurh. didnt hear the 3rd one cause by then we were at backstage.
OMG WE WERE FREAKING NERVOUS. oh but i think syf was worse-.- ANYWAY, JIALE PANGSEH ME. -.- she had to come in later. anyway here comes it. the moment we have always been looking forward to -that 20 mins on stage.
started off with vln2's entry. wasnt together but still it was pretty good. celllos came in followed by violin ones. didnt really felt the pulse hence causing a minor/slight tempo un-sureness. but by the end first half it was brilliant. soon we palyed 3rd mvt. i thought it was the best best mvt and nocturne we palyed EVER so far. intonation was superbb(: i was so scared i cant hit my high A. at the end of the cello solo, it was vln1's to take over. at that time, all i thought was to enjoy the music. even though if i didnt hit, just enjoy the disonance! soon we took over. my gosh. i love my high A. it was the prettiest/niceest/sweetest A i playedd(: ahh i willl NEVER ever forget that moment. i felt so happpyyy. heh. the next part was cello and vln1's "romance&sl*t" dialogue. stella and i decided beforehand to flirt with each other on stage. haha! so at the end, i looked at stella and viceversa during the concert. omggg it was so funnyyyy. i was laughing by the end the first phrase and i think i influenced shir (she stood behind stella) hahahahaha. it was super funny. and it's the first time z kept smiling throughout the whole concert. no frowns, no anger, no slight sign of irritation. it was just heavenly. fourth movemnt came and the ending was good (at least thats what i heard from the front desk) i rmb how i left the bow at the last note, a highhighhigh D. it was as intuned as my nocturne's A. that moment when i realized it was all over. we stood up and what we faced was cheering and a full-crowd standing ovation. i thought of all the hardwork that we had. screaming at intonation, mising lunch for sectionals, getting super tired during ensemble and those pills i had to swallow (cause i kept falling ill due to the intensed and fully-packed rehearsals). nyse, we did it. it was the best time we played. we moved and the sound really came out. the desire to acheive the best and the feelings we put in especially for nocturne. enjoying the applause, i felt so proud of nyse. i nearly teared on stage, but decided to keep blinking so that the tears wont flow and i wont embarass myself. Not too long after, we made our way off stage. On the way, i thought of when we will it be the next time we will play this piece. end of year concert -without the sec fours in which means NO JIALE. omgD: the sudden realization that violin ones can no longer depend on our dear concertmistress and we all know standing alone, we dont really sound good. i guess tingwei felt the same and she started huggging jiale once we were behind the concert doors. seeing that, my tears could no longer control. tingwei and i started hugging jiale and crying like a baby. -.- if i am not wrong, i think we got chased off by the officials there cause we were stucking up the walkway.D: went back to the dressing room and cried even more. like mad-dogs. ): it was just simply awesome. felt so touched by nyse's determination and love for the music. mr lee debrief and told us that he heard other american orchrestra commenting on us, saying how that asian girls ensemble sound so amazing!(:we went to clear our stuff and gosh we were all digging out the past and laughing at it. on our way back, loads of americans approached us and complimented nyse. one guy tapped my shoulder from the back and said,"good job god job. brilliant!"
ahh you know what. i dont feel like talking about the rest of the day. its basicially going for celebrattory dinner at planet hollywoods and off for evening concert at carnegie. went midnight shopping til. near 1am.(:

jiale and kaihui!<33 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5213887852383641298" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0"> spastic caoyun!(:


yay! doing make up in the toilet!

we with z after the performance(:

another one!(:

CELEBRATORY DINNER at planet hollywoods! kailin and kaiyun - 2 cute sectwos(:
yeah thats about it for that day!(:
Some dudettes came to my room to sleep the night before. gosh by the time i sat down to pack my stuff, it was already like 2am?!!? didnt bother sleeping and decided to pack my luggage. omgomg u should ask people who saw me packing. it was horrifyingg. the moment you think u have done packing everything and nothing else could ever fit inside, u find 2 more bags of souvenirs and 2 bears below the table. ?!?!?!? wth i wanted to die pls. at the end i took out EVERYTHING and repack. at the end, i rock. i almost burst the extention and wow, my bagpack was filled too. omg.D: ahh plop to bed while doing reflections halfway. oh my goose 2 beds of us shared. (!!!!) okaywhatever. woke up and got ourselves hot chocolate at old deli and wheeee! HOME SWEET HOME.

awww. let me introduce! there's the pink one called eUgenia's Uniquely Ugly U-ssie! and there's my cute jozzie!<3333>

the stuff that i bought in newyork!-.-

artist pass!!

nyehyeh. the soft toys i bought!(:

stuff from M&M!:D

ahhh carnegie shopping!

i am so not going to throw this away!(:
ah i should stop posting. got homework to clearr. anyway,nyse at carnegie's over. i wanna play there againnnnD: alright. i should really stop or else will die of emo-ingshit.
All i can say is that nyse, we CAN do it and eventually we did it. nothing beats our bond and our love for music.
i love you nyse.<3