Tuesday, September 30, 2008
oh and have i mentioned that my neck hurts alot? sigh its hurting like mad and i have totally no idea whats going on with those bones/trachea down there.
whatever. i have feeling that the trachea has nothing to do with the neck ache. ahwells. biology fails me and i have no intention of searching up pdf files/youtube videos. blame it on the lack of i-love-bio hormones in my system.
gosh i sense an urgent need for enzymes.
Monday, September 29, 2008
IH, Language Arts and Chinese down. left with 3 sciences and math which starts 1 week later. great.(:
sigh. currently slacking off while peishan's having a fun time disecting her primary three malay composition books at the other end of singapore. -grins- oh and HAHA my dear shir is asking me to vet *censored*. hahaha. HYPOTHESIS<3
heh. feeling so :/ now. don't exactly know how to describe. argh whatever. dont know dont care dont wanna know! (haha codes from SHIR<33)>
alright. sudden realization that my post's rather incoherent. ah actually come to think, not like many would read my blog. well, that's good. at least i know it's somewhat private. great. was contemplating if i should create a private livejournal a while ago. ahwells.
on a lighter note, kimi raikkonen's awesome!(: well, at least he dont have silly pitstop problems. hahaha! dangling hose!:D
<3!sigh. why is it so hard to cheer myself up these days. call it emotional or lack of maturity. but i'm already trying hard to not get affected by unnecessary stuff so easily. maybe as what peishan says, i really do have a problem? ahwells. this's bad.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

it's carnival-liked. lol.

They even brought hard rock cafe over!(:

YES. omg. dont ask me how i got this awesome shot!(:

Went walking around before the 2nd practice round. this place has two turns(:
carnival-liked once more!(:

that's ferrari booming past esplanade drive.(:

another ferrari.

Red Bull!

this is either the panasonic toyota or force india f1. cant see the pic clearly):

haha.Panosonic Toyota.

A nice corner for pictures 'cause cars go slow here.

& in the midst of getting that nice spot for corner shots, i just had to have a nice rubbish bin beside me. -.-
Great experience. Once in a life time. (thats if i dont watch anymore grandprix next time.) <3
&go away. gogogogo.D:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
look at this.
take courage. says:
take courage. says:
last night
take courage. says:
i dreamt of a really weird dream. like most other nights -.-
take courage. says:
dreamt of my art classmates
take courage. says:
and that there was an evil beetle
take courage. says:
in the house
take courage. says:
really evil. and moved really fast
take courage. says:
and wanted to kill someone/some people
take courage. says:
and a classmate of mine got turned into an insect somehow. an insect the beetle eats
take courage. says:
so they were having a fight, and my classmate nearly got eaten
take courage. says:
and i was standing on top of the staircase landing trying to aim a squirt of water at the beetle. and some acidic fumes (?!) were coming from the beetle
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today marks the first day of EOYS. D:
Language arts paper today didnt make me too ;/ so i guess it was okay? went to meet evelyn for lunch at kap. did a fair bit of mugging. trigo forever upsets me):
ahwells. no school for the next two days- homelearning.(:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
another unsuccessful attempt of mugging today.D:
sigh. shall try harder tmr!:D
you dont deserve to walk into my life/
allow me to scream. stupid blogger decided to be mean to me(or maybe shir) that when i tried to credit her for taking the photos, THEY KEEP DISALLOWING THAT SENTENCE AND REFUSE TO POST. -.-
okay lol so i shall make a new post instead.
&yes blogger sucks.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
yay! pictures speak a thousand words!(:

aww. how sweet. >.<

haha she and her mudpie!

aww. she must be too touched(:

YAY. finally one nice photo of cao!:D


regina stop peeping! WE CAN SEE U! HAHA(:
yay loads of love<3>
aww >.<
Today was satisfying(:
did physics stuff in the morning and off i went for syo. went to szabo's place for awhile and went family shopping.
and yes = no mugging = nothing done.
but in any case something made me happy and abit sad too. nevermind, failures are all like that.(:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
back to school after 2 days of rest.(:
totally missed school but the highness only lasted me for like a morning? hahaha and the weather in the afternoon was killing. had to do chiong chinese practice papers at like 1pm when the raging heat was like at the ultimate. -.- and whats not, alternatingn ourselves between our classrooms and lecture theatre. i guess that explains the horrible headache i've got. yay i rock.
anyway afternoon was <3! i was like stupidly listening to the recording on the bus journey home.(:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I need school tmr.
Monday, September 15, 2008
& two tablets of panadol/painkillers dont seem to work anymore. not now.
i need the drive/
Friday, September 12, 2008
MATH RE-TEST WAS IMBA AND OWNAGE.it was like slightly simpler than the actual one and wth it was over in like so fast!(: yay. oh and MABEL AND I FINALLY SAW PEISHAN'S STRESS SIDE.
= messy hair everywhere + ): face + ranting to herself + "i am going to die LAH"
sigh. got nothing to say to such retards. oh and whats not. SHE SUCKS AT FINDING SIMPLE LINES OF SYMMETRY. lol and during physics lesson, mabel ps and me were like laughing at nothing for 10 minutes or so. totally went mad lah. guess it was 'cause peishan was feeling stress for math re-test, which affected both me and mabel. SEE WHOSE FAULT.;D
ahwells. in any case, the day was sucky yet amazing. well, at the very least it wasnt boring for sure and yay! i guess its another happy day(:
Monday, September 8, 2008
39.4 degree celsius.
&it's still rising.
good morning! *stares at clock*
great. lets see,
tomorrow today's gonna be the start of a new term! and whats not, a term full of events i reckon. end of years, and post end of years. great.
listen up. i am so looking forward to end of years 'cause i cant wait for it to be over!
hope you can overcome your problems asap and stay happy(:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
MR CHUA'S AND LIMYAN'S RECITAL WAS OWNAGE.yay! super proud of them. and i thought the prokofiev one was the best, followed by the faure one. & goodness, loads of drama. i got quite O.O during prokofiev. super jin zhang. oh i love the octave double stops!i cant never have such perfect and nice double stops): nvm i shall jiayou!(:
oh. goodie. there's violin lesson tmr!(: i want to see mr chua's stradivari):
oh and my dad bet with me that he will dye his hair. HAHAHA(:
Reminising about the past, trying to settle myself with all the regrets in the present. I guess its part of growing up. Dealing with relationship problems are a chore, but, there isnt anything i can do yeah?
i need to start accepting the fact that there are all kinds of people in the world. perhaps i've already seen the extremes, or perhaps not. i hope i did, or else i would have to start all over again, revising that cycle of emotions once more.
i need to thank you. thank you for criticizing me, allowing me to try to accept that critic despite misunderstandings, allowing me to undego rollarcoasters of emotions, allowig me to think more. Although i dont really appreciate you for giving me the chance to cry more than i should, i still want to thank you for allowing me to discover more about myself.
someone give me the courage, the mental strength. i need to hang it there.well, at least until everything's over.
&wow. Come to think, you have just seen the another side of me, didnt you?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i'm sad.
&dont bother asking me why.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Today's attempt to mug at home was pathetic. downright pathetic.
Let's see. morning was spent practising the piano. decided to do some hardcore practising and poof! 2hours passed. end up at like 11am? went up to do math assignment 14.1 and barely attempted the questions. D:
Had pizza for lunch and guess what! i spend my whole afternoon watching
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE THREE. :D haha all thanks to my brother. He tempted me while i was trying to figure how to do physics sound assignment. argh. but in any case,
MI3 was AWESOMEE(: tom cruise! The whole plot was like O.O! was at the edge my of
seat sofa ever since they were fighting into the biosthsth building at the 42nd floor!!D: lol and and I THINK LUTHER'S VERY FUNNY. hahaha!:D
ahwells. there's IH level lecture tmr. 9am. *blinks*