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Friday, February 6, 2009

Last post

well, this shall be my last post for rhapsody-inblues. really would miss posting here. with all those memories that roughly makes up my 2008 year. It was definitely one of the best growing years. (:

Anyway, i would be keeping another online diary. Won't relink the new blog here but you can get it from me offline. for friends(:

Okay i shall end this blog.

Farewell, rhapsody-inblues.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


sorry late by like horribly alot of days but ohwell!(:

Had a great holiday though. get to see so many relatives and stuff. love the reunion feel.:D

nothing much. lazy to go into details.

goodness, cowards i'll say!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


just got back from piano lesson. came home 1024. rushed attendance and sent out at 1028(:

Anyway, school today was pretty fun. We decorated our classroom to the max and it is like sooooo red!(: yay love our classroom. shall upload the pictures once my classmates have uploaded.

“I don’t know what to say if we lose class deco competition” says Valentia.
“I will cry if we don’t win man.” WPS.

hahaha and math and chem lessons are getting more interesting too.

Math lesson- “charlotte and gang” bullies mdm leon lol. She was forced to comment and say that our class deco will win-.-

Chemistry lesson – “charlotte and gang” bullies again. Lol. Damn funny we made him do a comparison with his form class><

Ohh and COCKROACH.D: hahaha halfway while he was explaining redox reactions, 405 started screaming and Lydia teo came in and said, “sorry mr tan. My student is catching a cockroach that happens to have escaped into your class”

Lol. Jing dian. The entire block of tables near the my classdoor hurry stood on their chairs. lol.and its freaking comical, especially when you see our class in this horrid mass and everyone’s trying to grab their bag and stuff that are strewn all over the place. Hahaha moment of panic!><

Ahwells. At the end Mr tan caught it for us and by the time lesson ended. Interesting(:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shit Day

Proud to say my first pms-ing day of the year. or rather, night.

Whatever. It was a bad day cause:

1. Idiotic/disgusting/annoying braces.

my tongue bleed alittle cause of that irritating hook that hooks the rubberband. -.- seriously i nearly died during chinese lesson when i had to lang du ke wen and the fact that i cannot hun shui mo yu. ><

2. The inability to eat

oh my gosh. it's worse than those dieting ppl that i know. i practically cant chew anything.

3. Bus home

Goodnesss gracious. this mid-fifty guy( or at least he looks around that age) was like attempting to squeeze up the bus. like hello IT WAS ALREADY SQUASHING ME AND MY VIOLIN. -.- oh and he was went,"hou mian de ren jing qu!" and he was practically shouting next to my ear. Seriously, my ears nearly fell off. -.- oh and he said this to the bus driver,"wei shen me ni de tou fa zhe me duo quan quan" =.- hello his hair was like maggee mee. -.-

Sigh. whatever!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Crazy Day

school ended at 2.05.

went to dentist at the east. chiong 154 and mrt when i saw "towards pasir ris - 1 min"

Reached at 3.30. was late by 45 mins.

Done with dental by 430. saw the mrt signage that says, " towards boonlay - 1 min"

reached home and bathe. was 5 plus alr.

Chiong vln till 6.


Off to vln lesson at 630.

lesson till 8.

went to grandma's place.

back home at 9.

To dos: Chem SPA trial writeup.

End of the day: jawache and slight fever. pwnage.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


i just love the weekends. wasn’t at home for practically most the time though.

Saturday was spent mostly at YO and dinner/shopping. My parents went all the way to IKEA just for the chicken wings.>< had pasta and well, the wings were good i guess. It was relatively less oily yet tasty. Magic of the Sweden grills. Lol.

Whatever. Today managed to get things down. Spent the day counting bar numbers for Beethoven sym, went through physics pressure and attempted chem ws. Went out again and ended up at the stadium. 5km jog. Sigh next time target 6km and soon it will be 10km. (: had late dinner and by the time I reached home it was closed to nine.


P.S. oh my gosh chicken wings actually reminded me of my junior. She and her awful obsession over chicken wings and murtabak. ><

Thursday, January 15, 2009

(Practical) Day

-.- School today was full of practicals! chem and bio. we had Lang arts lesson at the SAC centre also. goodness. all for the (practical) day. >< spend like only 2 hours in classrooms.

bio assignment and physics assignment due tmr. barely finished bio after like 2 nights of research over the difference between "limitation" and "disadvantage". -.- sigh. whatever whatever to schoolwork. cant be bothered anymore.

Sudden realization: Time changes everything.

P.S. almost pms cause of stupid bio assignment. saved myself.

P.P.S. i'm leaving physics to chiong tmr.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh my, oh my.

great. was about to read up and do bio practical for tmr when i realized i've stupidly left it in school. -.-

i'm hopeless.

and when i was supposed to come online and start working on math assignment, i ended up browsing kimjunghoon's fan-based livejournals for icons. and it lasted for like at least half an hour. ><

whatever man. KJH craze is back(:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lucky Day (not)

oh my goodness. Today's horrid.

D: stuff:

1. I slept during physics today. That goes my first failure in my list of goals in 2009.

2. Semi-slept during chinese.

3. i stupidly forget to bring my organiser. felt so lost without it!D:

4. forget to bring my bio notes to mug in school when there's like bio quiz today-.-

5. forget (again) to bring my LA speech cards when I had speech thing today><

:D stuff!

1. diligently did chem ws in class.

2. attempted to understand pressure. (which i didnt get it at the end but still><)

3. no math nor IH lessons! most pwnage.

oh my goodness. i'm sure today's a great day. ><

Sunday, January 11, 2009


very busy (as usual).>< made myself wake up before 9 on both days. -.- It did work but wasnt effective. might as well sleep in.

Alot of stuff happened this weekend. ohmygosh.

ahwells. hope for a great week ahead.

P.S. i am starting to like incoherent short posts

Friday, January 9, 2009


yes. finally's the weekend.

waited for weekend for very very long already.Finally can sleep in ohmygosh.

and and have i mentioned my organiser's filled with SO less work to do that i had no more space to write under fri/sat/sun?


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beginning of Sec four's so similar to sec three's end of year.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Oh my. cant explain how busy i am lately but it makes you feel useful and satisfying>< like your day hasn't gone to waste. lol not saying it's a good thing but it's part of my attempt to look on the bright side of life. Moreover it's only like January. more to come i'll say. heh.

Anyway, side note -days are getting busier, hence lesser time for blogging etc. Pardon heh! (:

P.S. i literally slept during chinese lesson today. ohmygosh.

P.P.S. i'm feeling nerdy these days. (:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sweet Sixteen.

oh my. i'm like officially sixteen! goodness it's like seriously old. ><><

Anyway, had like 3 celebrations. one during strings chalet/exco night (<3 exco!), one yesterday with my cousin/granny and one with my family today. My cousin and i happen to share the same birthday and my granny two days later. had this simple dinner with loads and loads of food! champagne ftw!:D photos with my ahyi thoughD:


DEAR SHIRTAN CALLED ME AT 1158 AND WISHED ME ON 1200!<3 love her loads!:D hahaha fine lah she's the first one to wish me!:D and and jiaquan thought he was first lol. KNS PWN:D

haha anyway thanks to those who wished me today by sms/call/facebook/blog!(: Shall attempt to rmb everyone(chrological order if i can rmb!). my memory fails! Shirtan!<3 jiaquan evelyn(!!) jaslyn<3 jingyi(eh rmb nc16 date heh!) alvin jerry ivan!<3 puijeng jonv congning zicong amelia-flybrain! yuanmei cao nickhan fellowpspstwinnie! kristal sipei puiian kenneth wth cc xiaoyou!

nyeh and not forgetting fellow face-bookers!:D i decided not to do wall-to-wall reply if not fb will die and my hotmail will hang.lol anyway thanks loads(:

Anyway, this year's presents were like the most awesome gifts i've ever gotten in my life. thanks mummy daddy loads!<3>< oh oh my brother was sweet too. he gave me 3 red roses(: and it dont stand for ILY but ivan mummy and daddy. yay love them loads. :D

goodness. Today's simple ♥!

Friday, January 2, 2009

First day of school

Oh my goodness. all for the nice start of the year. Felt so sian the whole day. Had the usual auditorium talks, classcomm elections etc. oh i actually slept through both talks.(!!!) like seriously eyelid drooping , sound fading, and plop!:D oh my goshh >< poor qiuru! i was leaning on her the whole time of audi talk D: hahaha whoops! Should have added "do not sleep during audi talks" as one of the goals for 2009><

Oh. but being the oldest in the school feels weird too. Used to think that sec 4s live in their own world and were untouchable when i was sec one. hmm and classrooms right at the science block makes us feel more isolated from everything. D:

Sigh anyway afternoon was cca mini-concert rehearsal. was super tired. stoned. ohwells. Anyway, we have ms chia and mrs chua mei hong(last year's physics teacher) as FTs. pwnage. Ms chia's our last year FT so should be fine!(: and the latter should be good too. Though she seems to like to use alot of physics science words as analogies for our PCCG lessons>< haha nevertheless, i'm looking forward to working with both teachers. Great. yay.(:

ah. i'm tired. someone helpD:

First day of school

Oh my goodness. all for the nice start of the year. Felt so sian the whole day. Had the usual auditorium talks, classcomm elections etc. oh i actually slept through both talks.(!!!) like seriously eyelid drooping , sound fading, and plop!:D oh my goshh ><><

Oh. but being the oldest in the school feels weird too. Used to think that sec 4s live in their own world and were untouchable when i was sec one. hmm and classrooms right at the science block makes us feel more isolated from everything. D:

Sigh anyway afternoon was cca mini-concert rehearsal. was super tired. stoned. ohwells. Anyway, we have ms chia and mrs chua mei hong(last year's physics teacher) as FTs. pwnage. Ms chia's our last year FT so should be fine!(: and the latter should be good too. Though she seems to like to use alot of physics science words as analogies for our PCCG lessons>< haha nevertheless, i'm looking forward to working with both teachers. Great. yay.(:

ah. i'm tired. someone helpD:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

oh my gosh.

First day of my year = ><

very confused and i also don't know why.

& currently addicted to thunder by boys like girls and breathless by shayne ward. two nice songs><

Welcome, 2009.

Yes. As what Caoyun have mentioned in her blog, celebrating the new year online doesn't seem to be a good start. But ohwells, the upcoming year is up to us to make it good/memorable one.

As far as i am concern, i am going to spend more time with nyse for the next 4 months. You may think it is ridiculous but yes i am applying foresight and stepping down is nearing. Cherishing these few months and going to make the best out of it.

Talking about spending more time with nyse, i'm afraid but i've compromised it with the disband-ation(-.-) of FBR. I guess its better for us and since it's the new year, it's time for us to grow up and prioritise what's more important. And we chose a good day for it to be die. 0101 2009, 12.12am. (: i hope that ends FBR off nicely though. Will reminisise the memories and cherish the friendship.

I hope we did the right thing. oh, and i wish for a better year ahead, hope to learn more stuff and grow up(:

RIP, fruits beyond repair.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bye, 2008.

Last post of the year. Got tons of reflections and i guess this is the year that changed me the most. Compare now and sec two eoy, it's totally like super different. siao-ness/highness definitely gave way and I GOT MORE INTROVERT. haha no kidding. Enjoyed more solitude than ever.

Reflection of my academic life, it's pathetic. Copying answers in the morning (and normally its bio ws cause dunno how to do) is like some routine every friday. -.- and attempting to memorise all bio chapters the night before bio exam was the most daring/unforgettable thing i've ever done. And not forgetting that 30 mins before the exam, i have not touched human/plant transport and nutrition.><

Conclusion, bio and me in 2008 is no link.

Highlights of the year - knowing 304. Leaving 203. obs in march. nyse's carnegie. elections. teachers day celebration. eoy. fbr. bbq at sigpark. Camp. Concert. fbr.switz&paris. nyse bbq.

Alotof major things happened this year, especially the later part of the year i guess. Knew the other side of people and learning to be immune to such things made me even stronger. Didn’t knew i was that weak but hey, that's growing up. i feel so glad to have those experiences and seriously, dealing with those stuff that once killed me made me see through more people. Haha i've learnt the art of daoing all those nonsense and as long as my conscience clear, the truth will behold. (:

Oh there's one more. The art of calming myself when something screws up. It looks as if I don’t care about it but nah, it’s called dealing the problem calmly lol. No need to freak out cause it is never going to help. Sigh I guess there’s still room for improvement though, must KAN4KAI1 more often. If not i’ll end up emoing everyday and develop darker (and more swollen) panda eyes. -.- Haha. But in overall I guess those two are those few things that I’ve made conclusion of after 2008. (:

Heh. Anyway goals for next year: MUG like siao. -.- especially after syf.

going to chiong mugging like crazy. And heh i can’t stand my lack of efficiency these days. Especially with msn. Attempts to do work on msn always fails and it usually takes like 2-3 hours more than it should to get it completed.. hahaha really dislike the msn temptation. ><

Ahwells. I shall welcome 2009 with open arms. My last year in nanyang haha. Foresight foresight><

P.S. I went to play xbox with my dad and bro. burnout paradise and forza are the aftermath of playing one time of daytona. ><
P.P.S. and the feeling was relatively the same cause i installed the xbox steering wheels and foot pedal. joan we die><

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back from nyse chalet. Well. paid 20 bucks (ex to the max) for an additional night with dear exco. Anyway, afternoon was fun. Conclusion= when joan's scared, she attempts to look down and never look up(: hahahahah. pwns me can. and SHE WANTS TO SIT BESIDE ME. Stupid caoyun always break us up. -.- oh me and caoyun pwn the most. we got this zai power. caoyun + kim = C&K = Calvin Klein = power;D hahaha anyway fast forward. Daytona pwns. ><

Dinner at fish&co express! KNS shared student meal save money! oh and joanny and i went mad. too much jellybeans. and and their restaurant's audio system rocks. all the nice songs and WOMANIZER!:D HAHAHA. JOAN CAN MEMORISE OMG SO CUTE:D hahahaha and seeing certain kind of girls *coughs* eating SO fast. cant stand it i eat so slow that they pwn me. (haha inside joke + sarcasm!) walked the rest to the bus stop with shir well cao reg joan went back cause apparently cao was *dead tired*. -.- i believe lah. Anyway, we bought mocha iceblended from coffee bean after that before heading back to the room.

reached the room unit and heard some freaking-out-cause-of-something's voice from inside. Stupid Joan refuse to let me go in to the room and thanks ah i waited outside so long. -.- Took them like ard 2 mins to open the door and the o.o thing came. dark room. darl people. dark everything. almost cant see. -.- Joan +shir brought me to the bbq pit behind the chalet room. saw three things. okay 5. reg + supposedly tired cao + joan + shir + cake. >< hahaha

THANKS FOR THE CAKE AND COWBERLYN(with the music note)!<3>< haha and mocha flavoured! Yay(:

ah after that was like exco night chill out. Reflections on ensemble stuff then digress to personal stuff. Girls talk lasted till like 4 plus~hahaha slept at 530! Nearly died when random people (I cant rmb sorry was half awake) woke me at 930.zzz lol.

had breakfast and stone till like afternoon for the seinors to come. haha bbq was O.O. mini fire><>< hahaha anyway was quite funny and saw many seniors back!:D omg and food everywhere. ;D got so dirty and well, at least i had some fun near the fire(: hahaha nice advanced celebration for sixteen.love SCJR loads!<3


sitting alone on the chair
with the wind blowing
strongly and leaves
dancing its way to the
ground, she enjoys solitude.


sweet sixteen(:
4 january
203<3 304

EXCO 0809, FBR, Fernando Torres, James Franco are more than love(:

chit chatty
your thoughts

double loves

Cao yun
Chay Choong
Cong Ning
Hao zhi
Hui lin
Hui yan
Jon koh
Jin Jia
Jon shin
Lee jing
Mei xin
pui ian
pui jeng
Tian Juen
Tian yi
Tong Meng
Wan fang
Wann qin
Wee leng
Xin ni
Yan Quan
Ying xiang
Ying hui
Yi ping
You zi
Yeng fai
Zi Cong
203's drama
nyse violins!
nyse cellos
Nyse sec2!
Nyse sec3!:D

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009


Layout by Jacquelyn